Sweet Babies Edible Treats...

These aren't offered for sale but I recently did them for my niece's baby shower and had forgotten how cute they were so I decided to share some pictures - Sweet Babies Chocolate Suckers. They were a huge hit.  The mold was purchased from ebay.

And here's is my beautiful niece Tiffy with her custom wine glass that coordinate's perfectly with my Sweet Babies. The opposite side of her glass says, "Paisleigh's Mommy". Of course there is no wine in her glass - only soda! Thses are available for sale.

Here's a different idea... Instead of sending flowers or a balloon boquet to the hospital, how about a custom wine glass with a couple Sweet Babies smiling inside? It'll be a fun surprise that the new Mom will love!

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I'm a girl in love with my husband and two cute kids. We farm, craft, cook, and home school. I love cake stands, aprons, and all things in miniature version!

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